"O'Connor is one to watch." -- Susan Salter Reynolds, The Los Angeles Times Book Review

"Funny and harrowing...A vigilant search for belonging." -- Natalie Nichols, Los Angeles CityBeat

"Mesmerizes...O'Connor knows how to spin a tale." -- Judy Moffett, Small Spiral Notebook 

Midway through his summer vacation, eight year-old Huddie Blaylock realizes the reason for his recent, nagging paranoia: his normal, if slightly dysfunctional family has been replaced by imposters. Possessing the inflexible determination of the young and/or mentally ill, he embarks on a decade-long, cross-country search for the truth that will carry him through second-rate amusement parks, nightmarish nursing homes, 24-hour adult novelty shops and the wilds of Midwestern suburbia.


Among Wolves